In my opinion, it’s fully within the spirit of the Wordle to review past answers. Reasonable people may disagree.

My wife considers this a light form of cheating. She insists that it’s one’s responsibility to remember past puzzles.

I use the list when thinking of a first guess. I don’t expect to succeed on the first guess. I never have. But there’s something demotivating about finding out later that your guess was doomed. It turns out that BELCH was the answer back in Oct 2021 before I had ever played. Dang.

On the other hand, publishing today’s answer is a terrible crime against the game. Several sites do this… and I can’t condone it. In fact, I can’t even imagine someone allowing this to happen. One such site reasons, “If you’ve given up all hope and just want the answer, well, that’s why we made this Wordle answers post for you.”

What’s the point of having a streak where you look up the answer at least once!? It’s beyond my comprehension. Such people will surely fail work their hardest at solving the puzzle. They’re promoting bad habits that will affect all parts of their lives and are sure to corrupt today’s youth. Think of the children! I won’t be a part of such shenanigans.

But having attacked the integrity of such rascals, I’ll defend and elaborate on my position.

I think it’s reasonable to ask, “How often has a ‘Q’ appeared in a Wordle answer?” or “Double-letters trip me up; how often do they come up?” or “GNARL is a great word; I’m going to start with that! Has it been used before?”

With all of this in mind, I grabbed the complete list of Wordle answers and saved it into a database table. (For anyone concerned about my eternal wordle soul, rest assured that I blindfolded myself during this part of the process.) Then it’s a trivial process to create a view on that table showing only past answers. I used this local view for a while. But then I decided that a public page would be easier.

I’m frankly surprised that there wasn’t already a better public site with past wordle answers. But most sites that I could find included current and future answers as well as past ones. Or they were disorganized or ad-riddled.

Therefore this page updates daily with past answers. I never upload the current day’s answer, so there can never be accidental spoilers for anyone.

Please use this list of past answers for analysis at your discretion.